Home Care Program

Home is where the heart is. It is where each of us want to be. Even with serious illness, staying at home is generally possible.

Our Home Care Program at Ogeechee Area Hospice provides comprehensive care to assist in that goal. Our caring home services provide patients an opportunity to experience as much independence as possible by providing the appropriate in-home support. Our patients receive assistance with activities of daily living, care and monitoring by expert Registered Nurses, as well as the support of volunteers, social workers and chaplains when desired. The home care team of Ogeechee Area Hospice also develops a care plan that meets each patient’s individual needs for pain management and symptom control.

Registered Nurses are “on-call” after the administrative office has closed, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Responding to the needs of the patient and their family is our highest priority.

Can I receive services if I reside in a Nursing Home or Assisted Living Facility?

Home Care Services can be provided to a person whose place of residence is a nursing home or assisted living facility. This means, in addition to the services provided in the facility the patient receives specialized visits from registered nurses and other members of our home care team. The Hospice Home Care Program and the nursing home or assisted living facility maintain a written agreement that defines the role and responsibilities of both organizations.
Services are available to patients with life-limiting illnesses who can no longer benefit from aggressive, curative treatment as determined by a physician.
Hospice services typically include:
  • Physician services for the medical direction of the patient’s care, provided by either the patient’s personal physician and/or our physician who specializes in palliative care.

  • Regular home care visits by registered nurses to monitor the patient’s condition and to provide appropriate care and maintain patient comfort.

  • Home health aide services, attending to the patient’s personal needs.

  • Social workers and chaplains to assist the family

  • Medical equipment and supplies such as hospital beds, wheel chairs & oxygen.

  • Medications for management of the illness and control of symptoms.

  • Volunteer support when desired

  • Physical & speech therapy as needed.

Do you Have Questions About Hospice Care?

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns anytime.

We're here to help.
Emergency number only if facility phone lines are not working:
(912) 648-2947
FIN# 58-1303807
Ogeechee Area Hospice does not discriminate against any person, based on race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admissions, treatment, or participation in programs, services and activities, or in employment.​

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